What Are the Best Rave Earplugs?

If you’re someone who frequents live music events, it’s crucial to protect yourself. Raves and music festivals have a tendency to use powerful speakers to deliver the best sound quality to fans. It is typical for the sound at these events to be characterized by extremely high decibels. For this reason, wearing earplugs to a rave is critical for safeguarding your hearing. In this article, we will explore our list of the best rave earplugs.

First, let’s touch on why ear protection is so important. Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 decibels can lead to hearing damage. At 85 dB, hearing loss may occur after eight hours of exposure. As decibel levels increase, the safe exposure time decreases. For instance, exposure to 100 dB, typical of concerts, can cause damage after just 15 minutes. Protecting your ears from loud environments is crucial to prevent irreversible hearing damage.

Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs

eargasm rave earplug

First up is Eargasm’s High Fidelity earplugs. Eargasm is a trusted brand by music festival goers that provides a variety of ear protection in different colors and designs to suit every individual’s unique style. Their High Fidelity earplugs are their most basic option and their best seller. Purchase of this kit includes a pair of filters, a pair of high fidelity standard size shells, a pair of high fidelity small shells, a carrying case, a gift box, and an instruction manual. 

The NRR is 16dB and the expected noise reduction is 21 dB.

Eargasm claims that these rave earplugs reduce noise and prevent ear damage while still allowing you to hear your friends and enjoy the music with clarity.

Buy Eargasm’s High Fidelity Earplugs now for $49.88.

Loop Experience Plus

loop rave earplug

Loop earplugs are popular among ravers due to their comfort and price. Loop’s Experience Plus earplugs are their best seller for a reason. They aren’t necessarily discreet, but they do come in a few cool color options in what looks like a “loop” protruding from the ear canal. Plus, these earplugs are designed to stay put, meaning you can headbang, shuffle, or even do a backflip and you can expect that they’ll stay in place.

Loop’s Experience Plus earplugs offer up to 18 dB of filtered noise reduction. 

Buy Loop’s Experience Plus earplugs now for $44.95

Earasers Earplugs for Musicians and Concerts

earasers ear plugs

As the name suggests, these Earaser earplugs are created specifically for music events. The brand creates earplugs for various other industries such as landscaping, dental, and motorcycles. These concert-specific earplugs don’t muffle sound, rather they filter out loud noises and still retain the sound quality coming from the stage. 

These earplugs were designed by a 57-year-old hearing aid company and developed by their lead engineer (a musician of 40 years). Using these earplugs pretty much guarantees top-quality design and engineering. 

Earaser’s Earplugs for Musicians and Concerts provide reduced noise levels of up to 31 dB, making them one of the best rave earplugs for protection.

Buy Earaser’s Earplugs for Musicians and Concerts now for $49.99.

Rave Ear Plugs: High Fidelity Ear Plugs

high fidelity rave ear plugs

These rave ear plugs on Amazon are the best ear protection you can get if you’re on a budget. The earplugs come in a set of two—one with an average noise reduction of 19 decibels and another with a noise reduction of 25 decibels. 

They feature a low profile design, preserve the underlying sound quality, and come with a small flat case that makes them easy to transport.

Buy Rave Ear Plus: High Fidelity Ear Plugs on Amazon now for $16.99.


I've been a part of the dance music scene for nearly a decade and with Exron for more than half of that time. My first event was Diplo's Mad Decent but these days you'll find me at Club Space or the Brooklyn Mirage. Some of my top artists are G Jones, Tipper, Of The Trees, and CharlestheFirst. My favorite genres are techno, experimental bass, and ambient but I'll get down to anything with a beat!

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