Tips for New Ravers in 2024

Exron Music has compiled a list of 8 helpful tips for new ravers.

New ravers have much to look forward to because it is an experience unlike anything else. You will never forget that first time you step into a crowd and feel the energy of an audience with the musicians. But stepping into new territory can be scary when you don’t know where to begin. Thankfully, this community is composed of people who always welcome new ravers with open arms. Exron Music has compiled a list of 8 easy tips to follow for those who want to dip their toes into this crazy, exciting world.

1) Hydration is key.

Staying hydrated throughout any event is incredibly important, especially when the event is outside. While there are festivals that prohibit attendees from bringing in outside water bottles, most allow hydration packs with refill areas for free.

2) Listen to different genres of EDM.

There are many different genres inside the realm of electronic dance music. Some artists specialize in techno beats, while other DJs prefer to make trance-inspired music. An easy way to figure out what sound best resonates is by attending a festival that offers various genres and writing down some of your favorite acts.

3) Read festival guidelines before attending the event.

Before attending any show or festival, read the event’s guidelines so items brought to the event are appropriate to avoid having personal belongings tossed out. Different venues may prohibit a certain-sized bag, demand the bag to be see-through, or not allow e-cigarettes. Security at the gates will ask that the items be returned to the car, or they will toss whatever is not allowed in the trash.

4) Wear comfortable clothing.

Many people feel obliged to wear extravagant outfits, and while that can be fun, it can get exhausting after standing outside for 8+ hours. Many websites have rave-specific clothing that is stylish yet comfortable for long periods. Some of our favorite websites are,, and If you want to sport Exron Music, we have a shop with brand merchandise for purchase on our website.

5) Pace yourself at festivals.

Attending a festival can be exhilarating, but it is imperative to be well-rested. During the event, make sure to check out different attractions that are offered aside from the music so you can take a small break from partying. Grab a bite to eat and take a seat to reserve some energy for your favorite acts so you can rage on.

6) Purchase a small bag or fanny pack.

Bags are usually permitted in the venue, but there are guidelines on what kinds are allowed. Many festivals allow smaller-sized bags that are see-through or fanny packs. Bringing a bag helps to carry the essentials throughout the day, but keep them with you so items aren’t lost or stolen. A fanny pack is recommended due to the ability to have the bag attached around your waist, as opposed to a bag on your shoulder.

7) Earplugs are essential.

Earplugs should be worn at all concerts, but what makes them more of a necessity when raving is the music will be louder than anticipated. The music will be played so loudly that people often forget they are wearing the plugs because the barrier is small. The speakers are typically louder because DJs want the beats to get people in the party mood and move their bodies. Concert earplugs lower the volume equally at all frequencies, allowing the music to be heard in the same quality, just at a lower volume.

8) Put your phone down.

At the festival, immerse yourself in the crowd and the music. Feel the music in your body and allow yourself to let loose with your rave family. Taking photos and videos is fun, but you don’t want to live out this experience through the lens of a phone when you can be taking mental memories to last a lifetime. It is alright to walk up to new people and make friends with others because it makes the crowd’s connection even more electric. People love to find new ravers and show them how to make the most of the event.


Hey there my name is Joey and I am an entertainment journalist based in Virginia. I went to James Madison University for Journalism and Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communications. Some of my favorite musicians are Grimes, Arca, Kero Kero Bonito, Slayyyter, and Sky Ferreira. My goal as a writer is to help inform the reader to understand news that is up-to-date and precise, that way the reader can stay properly informed and entertained with the information that is presented. Writing stories is something I have always been passionate about and would love to spread information about events, festivals, new music, and artists in an engaging and thrilling way.

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