Scummy Bears Booth Falls Victim to Robbery at EDC Las Vegas

Scummy Bears was robbed at EDC and lost a full day of earnings after providing shelter to people during the rain storm.

On day 1 of EDC, a rain storm hit in the middle of the night and drenched ravers for about 30 minutes. The rave clothing brand Scummy Bears announced they were robbed of all their money from day 1 after they tried to be generous and give people a dry place to stand until the rain passed by.

Scummy Bears took to Instagram to share their loss. They explained that EDC has always held a special place in their hearts, and they went all out this year to bring festival goers the biggest coolest store activation they ever created. But that Scummy Bears team had unfortunate news to share with its fans and customers following the first night of EDC.

Scummy Bears EDC

Scummy Bears explained they were obviously devastated over the monetary losses, but they are more heartbroken for the person or people who attend a beautiful event like EDC and saw it as an opportunity to take advantage of them after putting themselves on the line for the thieves. The rave clothing brand expressed that the actions of the people who stole are the opposite of everything they stand for and believe in as people a part of the rave community.

Scummy Bears definitely took a hit from being robbed and explained as a small business they cannot afford losses like that. They started their business out of a passion for raves and are not a huge corporation.

Scummy Bears EDC

Although Scummy Bears was left with sadness and fewer earnings, they promised “the show will go on” and that they refused to let the negative energy of the thieves take away from the incredible people that make up the majority of the event.

Scummy Bears explained the love they see from everyone on a day-to-day basis is why they cherish what they do and the money just allows them to keep doing it. They thanked everyone for their support all weekend and made sure to stay positive. But highlighted that the situation was not ok and went against what ravers are meant to stand for.


I remember hearing Edm for the first time and thinking I knew this type of music would change my life. I love all genres and the art that goes behind it all. You can catch me dancing to a wide range of tunes.

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