Fisher Shares Pregnancy Ultrasound of First Child with Chloe

Fisher shares the pregnancy ultrasound on Instagram, marking another milestone closer to parenthood.

It’s been quite the journey as fans received another FISHER pregnancy update for his expecting wife, Chloe, in a video on Instagram sharing the first glimpse of the baby in an ultrasound. As the countdown to the due date inches closer, the couple has been very open with this chapter in their relationship with people online.

With the caption of the ultrasound asking if fans think the baby is a boy or girl, fans were throwing in all kinds of speculation about the gender. One user caught the DJ’s attention, as he pinned a comment from @ponymunro that said, “More hair than Fish already.” 

Picture of DJ Fisher and his pregnant wife, Chloe Fisher.

After announcing the pregnancy on Christmas Eve, the couple has been vocal about the hardships the two have faced since trying to get pregnant. With multiple surgeries and eight rounds of IVF, the couple is anticipating the “miracle baby” to join their family. 

FISHER and Chloe’s posts have an endearing sentiment behind each milestone with the kind of authenticity each post brings. Parenthood is a universal experience that transcends boundaries of fame, and by sharing this, the couple has conveyed a sense of authenticity. 

As the two prepare for the baby’s arrival, FISHER has continued to work consistently throughout 2024, with global tour dates running through the end of August. Chloe is the co-host of the podcast ‘Darhling, Shine!’, which has led to many conversations in recent episodes about the adventure of this pregnancy. 

With no news about new music on the horizon, the DJ has released a couple of tracks this year. In February, he dropped his rework of Bob Marley & The Wailers “Jamming.” Another throwback FISHER has breathed new life into is GOTYE and Kimbra’s song “Somebody That I Used To Know.” Both tracks are now available for streaming on all platforms now. 


Hey there my name is Joey and I am an entertainment journalist based in Virginia. I went to James Madison University for Journalism and Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communications. Some of my favorite musicians are Grimes, Arca, Kero Kero Bonito, Slayyyter, and Sky Ferreira. My goal as a writer is to help inform the reader to understand news that is up-to-date and precise, that way the reader can stay properly informed and entertained with the information that is presented. Writing stories is something I have always been passionate about and would love to spread information about events, festivals, new music, and artists in an engaging and thrilling way.

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