Minnesota Slams Bassnectar for Playing His Music in Return Set and Calls DJ “Delusional”

Minnesota referred to Bassnectar as delusional for playing his music in his first set back following a three-year hiatus due to sexual assault allegations.

Bassnectar removed himself completely from electronic dance music for three years following sexual assault allegations that have led him to be canceled by many with no remorse. However, Bassnectar has tried his best to make a comeback and challenge cancel culture but that doesn’t stop other artists from not wanting any involvement with Bassnectar to the point where playing their music at his sets can even be seen as offensive.

Earlier this month, Bassnectar played his first official show at Las Vegas’ Daylight Beach Club in Mandalay Bay for a FREAKSTYLE event. Bassnectar mixed some of Minnesota’s music into his set and he was not happy about it, to say the least. Minnesota took to Twitter and said: “Just want to say that @bassnectar is f**king delusional. please do not play my music in your sets.”

Minnesota bassnectar set

There was a mixed response from people in the replies- some believing that Minnesota should feel lucky to have his songs played at a larger set than he could bring, along with Bassnectar bringing popularity to his music in the past. Others stuck up for Minnesota and said he had every right to not want his music played by someone with such allegations.

One person said: “He played a remix of one of your songs. which was a staple in his sets back in the day and a large reason why people know who you are. Someone snapped back and said: “And for some reason, this makes him not wanting a pedophile to play his music invalid because…?? (Hint- it doesn’t.”) 

Minnesota bassnectar set

Another comment took a hit at Bassnectar fans who continue to support him and do not see Minnesota’s point. They said: “How many times does it need to be reiterated for y’all to get it? He doesn’t want a follower base of pedophile apologists, how is that so hard to get through your skull.”

Bassnectar had allegations of sex trafficking and possessing child pornography, among other charges, filed against him that were brought to light in April of 2021 by two of his alleged victims. He has denied all of the accusations and asked for a jury trial.


I remember hearing Edm for the first time and thinking I knew this type of music would change my life. I love all genres and the art that goes behind it all. You can catch me dancing to a wide range of tunes.

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