Fred Again.. Becomes an Uncle and Shares Recap of “Maddest 12 Hours of his Life”

In a heartfelt post, Fred recounted the whirlwind of events that led him to be an uncle during “the maddest 12 hours of his life.”

The story begins at 8 p.m. as Fred Again.. and his entourage gathered before a show, with the surprise arrival of his brother’s wife Emma. Despite being nearly nine months pregnant, Emma insisted on attending the event, showcasing her epic spirit. Little did Fred know that the night was about to take an unexpected turn, and he’d soon be an uncle.

Fred walked onto the stage at 8:30 p.m. in what he describes as “the most magical place on earth.” The euphoria of performing surrounded him, creating an atmosphere filled with energy and anticipation. Two hours later, he walked off the stage, feeling a mixture of adrenaline and joy.

fred again uncle

After his set, Fred and his companions decided to attend Four Tet’s performance. In the midst of a rousing good time, Fred’s brother received urgent news around 1 am that his wife had gone into labor early. Lost in the crowd with no reception, he departed for the taxi rank without anyone knowing of the unfolding situation.

Fred and his friends reveled in the festivities until 3 a.m. – or as Fred put it, “SESHING LIKE NOTHINGS HAPPENING.” Fred even went on a Ferris wheel, completely oblivious to his brother’s solo journey to London. Finally, someone in their group obtained reception for the first time around 7 a.m. and the group rejoiced at the news.

fred again uncle

The floodgates of information opened, revealing the news that Fred had become an uncle. Around 8 a.m., emotions soared as his mom showed him the first picture of their newest family member.

In this whirlwind of events, Fred Again.. certainly experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. Despite performing on stage and partying all night, nothing obviously topped the joy that Fred received from holding the newborn. Undoubtedly, becoming an uncle in such a remarkable fashion will be a cherished memory for Fred and his family.

For information on Fred Again..’s upcoming tour dates, click here.


Having grown up just an earshot from Ultra Miami's venue Bayfront Park, it was next to impossible for me not to fall in love with electronic music. My love for music was evidently strong enough for me to write my college essay on festival culture and continue attending Ultra for 10+ years now. I have always had a knack for writing and the power of words, which I continued cultivating through a Philosophy degree in college. Now, I am finishing up law school and hope to merge my passions by working in the music industry. I am an avid traveler and am certainly not afraid to hop on a plane for a music event. My next bucket list items to attend are Tomorrowland in Belgium and ADE in the Netherlands. Though the list could go on forever, some of my favorite artists include Franky Wah, Kevin de Vries, Eli Brown, and John Summit.

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