Zingara Shares Emotional Moment on Stage with LSDream After Two Months on Tour

Zingara just finished her tour with LSDREAM and has called it the most insane 2 months of her life in a new post.

As the Zingara and LSDREAM’s tour has come to an end, the DJ who sprung into light from the power of TikTik took to Instagram to share some top moments the two had together during the time. The post included a video with LSDREAM at the last show of the tour in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where you could tell they were both feeling quite emotional about it coming to an end.

The two looked at each other in awe over the magic they created during the tour. LSDREAM then hugged Zingara and said: Thank you for coming on this tour. It has been an absolute dream come true and I’m gonna miss you.” 

Zingara LSDREAM tour

Zingara put her hand to her heart and was clearly feeling the genuine message from LSDREAM. LSDREAM then added: “Sorry, it’s the last night of the tour and we’re in our feels right now. Everyone’s a little bit emotional. You know what I’m saying.”

Everyone could feel how emotional Zingara and LSREAM were feeling. Even the person who took the video can be heard saying in the background: “She is for sure crying.” Zingara will for sure be on to many new amazing ventures following her tour with LSDREAM.

The caption of Zingara’s post was also filled with emotion and as she said she is still trying to process everything that took place but for now here are some more memories. Zingara also said she has so many words/photos/videos from the tour and even promised a week 8 recap and one more vlog to come soon. LSDREAM commented on the post and said: “Things we did: that.”

LSDREAM took Zingara as his direct support for the entire Radical Audio Visual Experience Tour. LSDREAM used the tour to show off some of his newest creative production techniques, along with giving Zingara the amazing opportunity to go on her first-ever traveling tour.


I remember hearing Edm for the first time and thinking I knew this type of music would change my life. I love all genres and the art that goes behind it all. You can catch me dancing to a wide range of tunes.

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