Porter Robinson Says He’s “So Disappointed” Over Not Receiving a Grammy Nomination For Nurture – [Read]

With Grammy nominations releasing just days ago, Porter took to Twitter to display his feelings on the situation.

When Porter Robinson released his second studio album, Nurture, at the end of February 2021, everyone knew immediately that this project was something special. His fans would argue that the album was a one-way ticket to a GRAMMY nomination It was a seven-year hiatus from his wildly successful debut album, ‘Worlds’, and fans had been craving that unique sound that Porter had established for himself. 

Porter described Nurture as “his favorite music he’s ever made,” and it’s clear why. The album is an emotional exploration of his development as an artist and shares his journey through mental health. When he found out that the album was not nominated for any Grammy award, he simply tweeted a confused emoji.

Other artists responded to Porter’s snubbed nomination, showing their condolences for an album that clearly deserved greater recognition. Rezz tweeted that she is calling the FBI, Subtronics said he was nominated and is still mad, and Chet Porter brightened up the scene with a simple photo of Pikachu holding a gun. 

The Grammys have had a history of missing the mark on what people want to see recognized in the industry. Whether it’s a lack of diversity in nominees or just blatantly ignoring talented artists and giving awards to the same people who have been in the “Grammy circle” before, it seems that the academy is still out of touch. 

While Porter Robinson’s Nurture might not be getting a Grammy nomination this year, Porter can rejoice in knowing that he has the people’s respect for delivering an amazing album that has touched millions of fans and will continue to have a great impact on so many lives. It’s safe to say we will one day see Porter Robinson’s name on the Grammy nominations list.

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