Whipped Cream Began Shambhala Performance by Handing Out Roses in the Crowd

Whipped Cream started her Shambhala set with something slightly different than the norm including passing roses out to attendees.

Shambhala Music Festival is one of the most anticipated events on the calendar for electronic dance music enthusiasts. During this year’s edition, attendees received a unique spectacle from the immensely talented and rising star, Whipped Cream.

As per usual, she took the stage by storm. With her unique blend of bass-heavy beats and emotive melodies, Whipped Cream delivered a performance that will be remembered for years to come. Making her first-ever sunset appearance at Shambhala, she decided to kick off her set in a distinct manner. She ended up creating an unforgettable moment where the crowd received roses from her directly.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon at the picturesque Salmo River Ranch, the anticipation among Shambhala festival-goers reached its peak. Whipped Cream and her first-ever sunset performance at the acclaimed festival was about to kick off. It was certainly a momentous occasion for both the artist and her devoted fanbase alike. Knowing the significance of this performance, she decided to start her set in a unique and heartfelt way.

As her set time began, something unique happened. She was not on the stage. But instead, walking through the crowd as she carried a bouquet of roses in her hands. With a smile on her face, she walked through the crowd, handing out individual roses to fans all throughout. What an amazing moment for fans! This touching gesture not only showcased her appreciation for her supporters but also set the tone for a memorable performance filled with love and unity.

Whipped Cream’s sunset performance at Shambhala Music Festival left a lasting impression on all those fortunate enough to witness it. By beginning her set with this one-of-a-kind gesture, she set the stage for an unforgettable night.

As Whipped Cream’s career continues to ascend, her devoted passion for the scene remains shown. Her ability to connect with her fans but to also deliver exceptional performances remains unwavering. With upcoming tour dates on the horizon, fans eagerly await the opportunity to witness her perform live again.

You can listen to Whipped Cream’s top tracks below:


My name is Emilee Gabbard. I currently live in sunny Orange County, CA. By day I am a project manager working in the aerospace industry, but by night a music blogger for yours truly, Exron Music! I have been writing for Exron Music for around eight months now and cannot wait to see what is to come throughout the years. At festivals and clubs, you will find me at any house and techno stage supporting my favorites Eli Brown or Dom Dolla, or belting every word to Porter Robinson tracks wherever he performs.

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