After a long saga of litigation and bickering, Ultra and the gray-haired, waspy, wizened, grumpy McGrumpersons of the Miami Downtown Neighbors Alliance have reached a resolute agreement, ushering forth an era of peace between the entertainment company and the residents of Downtown Miami. The details of the agreement include a voluntary implementation of a novel “community standards program,” which addresses former points of contention such as construction schedules, park closures, noise levels, and traffic management. While honoring the interests of Miami’s residents, the agreement also outlines Ultra’s modus operandi – keeping production standards and quality monolithic and industry-leading.


According to a company spokesperson by the name of Ray Martinez, “This development finally opens the door to establishing an ongoing working relationship between the parties, which was long overdue. Ultra’s leadership was privileged to work closely with local residents in striking the balance between accommodating local residential lifestyles and hosting large-scale and state-of-the art music productions in Miami’s urban core.”

Martinez went on to further note that “[w]e look forward to continuing to partner with area residents with the common goal of advancing a shared vision of sustainable coexistence, which will allow us to continue showcasing Miami and its local culture as the dance music capital of the world.”

Representing the President of the Miami Downtown Neighbors Alliance, James Torres stated, “[w]e are pleased to have reached an agreement that addresses many of the issues that have impacted Downtown Miami residents during previous Ultra events. We believe that this agreement will allow Ultra and its neighbors to coexist and will highlight Downtown Miami as “One Community for All”, and a great place to live, work and play.”

Although this is a major milestone for Ultra, a production company shrouded in controversy, the real test will come in 2022 when Ultra strives to live up to the promises it has made to both raver and resident… the full story has yet to be determined.

For one of the greatest sets of Ultranaut history, see below.


Heralding from sunny South Florida, I am a proud Florida Woman. In my free time, I surf the swamp, wrangle gators, open fan mail, and tend to my pets. In the wild, I'm most often spotted at immersive art spaces, step tappin' in a shadowed corner of the club, hater blockerz on, totally incognito as your resident EDM spice girl. Although I generally tout my spicy side, if there's one thing I'd love to impress upon the world, it would be this: it's not a waste to give love to those who do not deserve it – it's a gift. The world would be a better place if we gave, in kindness and in mercy, to those who need it most with no expectation in return.

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