Podcasters ‘Plan Bri Uncut’ Issue Apology After Bashing Chris Lake on Show

During a recent podcast episode, Barstool Sports Girl Gang Plan Bri Uncut turned to social media to apologize for Criticizing Chris Lake’s talent.

After attending EDC Las Vegas in May, the girls from Barstool Sports‘ Plan Bri Uncut podcast used their show to express their strongly based opinions regarding record-breaking DJ and producer, Chris Lake. They released the podcast episode about a month ago, but it just recently captured Chris Lake’s attention due to fans exposing the video on Twitter after tagging the esteemed producer in their Tweets surrounding this topic.

Throughout the show, the podcasters completely bash Chris Lake, basically claiming that he’s the worst DJ of all time and that his sets are unbearable, particularly his recent EDC Las Vegas set. They also claimed that his sets sound like the same song is on a loop for three hours. Many house music lovers would agree otherwise (including us), but Brianna and Grace stand strongly with their negative opinions on the iconic British producer.

A few days ago, up-and-coming producer Camoufly shared this Chris Lake-focused segment of their podcast episode on his Twitter page and Tweeted, “just randomly found the worst DJ take of all time” to go with the video. Chris Lake then quote tweeted it with a sarcastic comment saying “I love this. Bless them.” Once this video finally gained Chris Lake’s attention and went viral due to his saucy follow-up comment, thousands of other Chris Lake fans continued to support him across all social media platforms, something the affluent musician was grateful for.

A few days after all the back-and-forth backlash on social media surrounding this topic, Plan Bri Uncut came out with an official statement apologizing for bashing Chris Lake on their show. However, not only did they fail to tag him in their official apology statement, they failed to apologize to him directly.

Their statement states, “On behalf of the recent comments we made regarding Chris Lake’s performance, we are very sorry to offend the entire EDC community, but it is simply our opinion.” The EDC community? What about the EDM community? What about Chris Lake himself? An apology doesn’t really count if it’s not directed at the right audience.

Plan Bri Chris Lake

As a final effort to defend himself, Chris Lake then turned to Tik Tok to express his feelings regarding the podcasters’ pessimistic opinions about him. The background of his Tik Tok is a copy of their statement, as he proceeds to convey how he feels about the situation in under 30 seconds with his typical charismatic wit and joyous banter.

His exact words in response to the Plan Bri Uncut girls’ “apology” were, “Don’t worry about it girls, we’re all entitled to our opinion. I’m not hurt by it, it’s actually kind of funny and I appreciate the apology. Don’t worry about it but um… when are you going to invite me on your podcast? I mean, I’m sure we’ve got lots to talk about. Lots we can agree on and lots we can disagree on. And we can talk about the same subject for three hours if you want because I’m good at doing the same thing for three hours.”

Who knew so much drama would unfold after claiming that Chris Lake has zero talent and that he’s the worst DJ of all time? This only comes to show how much his fans and other industry professionals respect him. It’s rewarding to note how much the EDM community came together to show support for an industry legend that did not deserve to be bashed like that on a podcast channel that has nothing to do with dance music. We love you Chris Lake. Never forget your worth.

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